Fortune favors the prepared
Adventures present challenges that don’t care how you felt after your workouts. They only care whether your training prepared you to overcome their obstacles. Make sure you’re ready for them!
Adventure Fit programs employ science-backed training strategies to increase your strength, address your mobility, build an endurance engine that just won’t quit, leave you with enough energy to practice other skills, and more.
Programs are reviewed and updated based on our own results and those of the rock climbers, mountaineers, obstacle course racers, martial artists, downhill sports athletes, and general health advocates who use them.
The Adventure Fit program was designed to benefit anyone who participates in an activity with an endurance component that lasts for either a handful of minutes (e.g. sport rock climbing, martial arts) or hours or days at a time (e.g. OC racing, multi-pitch climbing, backcountry adventures).
It has been successfully used by individuals who participate in a variety of different activities including:
The program doesn’t just provide cardiovascular and local muscular endurance improvements, although those are both significant and necessary for general health and longevity as well as adventuring.
The movement progressions and explosiveness that are used throughout the program also produce meaningful strength gains without an increase to body mass.
While most sessions will certainly make you sweat, they’ll also leave you feeling fresh enough to practice other skills. In fact, you’ll be guided to end most sessions before reaching a point where you wouldn’t be able to do so.
The program is composed of six phases. Each phase was designed to last four weeks. However, progress through the phases will depend on your personal rate of adaptation, so each of the phases offers direction for extending the phase up to an additional four weeks.
Training sessions are scheduled five days per week throughout all phases of the program. The general sequence of days is below, although sessions can be shuffled if your life demands otherwise:
Day 1—A+A Training: “A+A” is short for anaerobic plus aerobic. Multiple short-duration sets of explosive movement (anaerobic) performed in a series with longer rests between series (aerobic) has been shown to produce greater gains to both strength and cardiovascular endurance than the glycolytic, “feel the burn”, training that is so common today. Kettlebells are the preferred training tool for this day, although there are also options for using other tools if you prefer or if accessibility dictates.
Day 2—Strength: Everything is easier when you’re stronger, especially when that strength is not accompanied by an increase in body mass. And that’s exactly what this day’s training is designed to produce.
Day 3—Off
Day 4—A+A Training
Day 5—Carry: A somewhat more traditional aerobic training day but still performed with a weight (kettlebell or dumbbell preferred).
Day 6—HRST: Step-up training or rucking with a weighted pack, with strict attention paid to heart rate dynamics. This day contributes to building an aerobic base as well as overall work capacity and leg endurance.
Day 7—Off
Other: Short evaluation sessions are also sprinkled throughout the program.
Creating an Adventure Fit account and purchasing the program—either phase-by-phase or all at once—will grant you lifetime access to the program through the site. This includes any revisions or updates made to the phases.
On each phase’s details page, you’ll find:
Go all-in with the Voyager option to get access to all six phases from the start. Or test the waters with Wanderer I, and get access to the first phase of the program. If you go the latter route, you’ll be able to purchase subsequent phases from your dashboard after logging in.
With either option you’ll be well on your way to becoming Adventure Fit!